CTEN In Print

For Media Inquiries Contact:
Rachel Schwartz
PR AdvantEDGE Inc.
(310) 990-2764

Selected Articles from CTEN:

10-12-21 City Journal – Whose Children Are These
9-14-21 City Journal - California’s Misguided Education Spending
6-10-21 City Journal - Bonkers on the Bay
3-16-21 City Journal - What School Shutdowns Have Wrought
2-16-21 Orange County Register - California’s draft ethnic studies curriculum still isn’t right
2-4-21 City Journal - Unity or Union Loyalty?

11-3-20 City Journal - Growth of the Pod
10-23-20 City Journal - Wokefornia
7-26-20 City Journal - California Cancels School
5-15-20 American Greatness - The Coming Upheaval in Education
4-7-20 LA Daily News- UTLA uses the coronavirus as excuse to trash charters
1-28-20 City Journal - Miss Virginia Makes the Grade
1-4-20 Orange County Register - California is taxing our patience

11-8-19 Forbes - Did Elizabeth Warren Sell Out To The Teachers’ Unions?
11-7-19 The Epoch Times - Nonprofit President Says Teacher Shortage Not as Serious as Unions Say
10-26-19 American Greatness - Woke Evangelists Spread the Gospel
6-28-19 City Journal - Together Against a Tax in Los Angeles
6-1-19 LA Daily News - LAUSD and UTLA already looking at tax increases beyond Measure EE
4-7-19 American Greatness - Kamala Harris’ Hair-Raising, Tax-Raising Plan
3-26-19 City Journal - More, More, More
1-20-19 Orange County Register - With Newsom’s call for universal pre-K, consider preschool’s dubious record
1-8-19 City Journal - L.A.’s Looming Teacher Strike

12-2-18 Orange County Register - Class size mythologies debunked 
10-2-18 City Journal - Teacher Freedom in a Post-Janus World
7-22-18 Orange County Register - To be a right-of-center teacher in California
7-12-18 City Journal - Still Pulling the Strings
6-10-18 Orange County Register - United Teachers Los Angeles wants respect … and money
6-3-18 Orange County Register - California’s teachers’ unions dig in as Janus decision nears
5-14-18 City Journal - Teachers Aren’t Victims
3-11-18 Orange County Register - It’s time to arm teachers to better protect students
2-25-18 Orange County Register - ‘Bargaining for the common good’ could come back to haunt the unions in Janus v. AFSCME
2-20-18 City Journal - Hypocrisy, Inc. .
1-21-18 Orange County Register - Too many kids are failing in California

12-17-17 Orange County Register - Overturning the teacher turnover fables
10-22-17 LA Daily News - The step-and-column method of teacher pay is obsolete
10-2-17 City Journal - The Truant Teacher Problem
9-12-17 City Journal - The Teacher Shortage Myth
8-18-17 Orange County Register -Mandatory public employee union orientation now on the books in California
7-31-17 City Journal - Randi Goliath
7-20-17 Orange County Register - 'School Inc.' looks beyond one-size-fits-all education
6-30-17 City Journal - Janus and Worker Freedom
6-8-17 Orange County Register - Trump’s education budget cuts are minimal
6-5-17 City Journal - School Board Shakeup in Los Angeles
4-7-17 Orange County Register - AB 1220 is an improvement, but why do teachers need tenure at all?
3-26-17 Orange County Register - Is teacher shortage a union-created problem?
3-22-17 City Journal - Reality Gap
2-21-17 City Journal - Betsy DeVos v. the Education Monopolists
1-26-17 Orange County Register - School choice: The backbone of our country
1-18-17 USA Today - Betsy DeVos v the bitter status quo

11-27-16 Los Angeles Daily News - More politics from a teachers union
11-3-16 Orange County Register - WikiLeaks exposes NEA's inner workings
10-26-16 City Journal - Hillary’s Teachers’ Union Sellout
10-24-16 National Review - The Unionista
9-30-16 City Journal - Charters Under Attack
8-18-16 Orange County Register - On teacher freedom, Clovis sets an example for California
8-17-16 City Journal - California’s Temporarily Temporary Tax
3-27-16 Los Angeles Daily News - Are LAUSD graduation rates legitimate or triage?

12-30-15 City Journal - A Half-Charter School District for L.A.?
11-1-15 Los Angeles Daily News - Doubling number of charter schools would be good for L.A
8-19-15 Townhall.com - Free Rider/Forced Rider
7-1-15 Los Angeles Daily News - School choice is the latest battle for liberty
5-19-15 Press Enterprise - Teachers unions dug in against reforms
1-26-15 Watchdog.org - Amplify School Choice
1-24-15 Orange County Register - The importance of school vouchers
1-16-15 U-T San Diego - Students shortchanged by state teacher tenure laws
1-7-15 City Journal - Will the Court Give Abood the Boot?

11-14-14 City Journal - Deasy’s Defeat
10-31-14 Forbes - California's Toughest And Most Important Race
10-13-14 Orange County Register - Union email intimidation tactics
9-21-14 City Journal - Resigned to Freedom
8-13-14 Investor’s Business Daily - Putting The Brakes On The Labor Unions' Free Ride On Employee Dues
5-16-14 City Journal - Sentenced to LIFO?
4-11-14 City Journal - Terrible Tenure
2-16-14 Orange County Register - Teachers stand against tyranny
2-14-14 LA Times - Ted Rall got it wrong on tenure and 'underpaid' teachers
2-3-14 City Journal - Can the CTA Be Reformed?
1-29-14 Orange County Register - Students benefit from school vouchers

11-26-13 City Journal - Girls, Boys, Both, Neither
9-19-13 Orange County Register - Time for a representative teachers union
9-6-13 City Journal - Subdue, Contain, Deplete
7-11-13 City Journal - Opportunity Knox
6-20-13 Investor’s Business Daily – Americans Should Know They Have Choices In The Workplace
5-16-13 City Journal - Blue vs. Blue
2-21-13 Orange County Register - If unions do so much for members, why bully?
2-8-13 Orange County Register - Public unions the real freeloaders
1-11-13 City Journal - Silencing the Whistleblower

12-30-12 City Journal - No Guns in School?
8-24-12 Los Angeles Times - Prop. 32: What really scares California’s big unions
7-16-12 City Journal - Perverting Justice
7-4-12 LA Daily News - Editorial Page - Escape the ZIP code for better education
6-8-12 Sacramento Bee - Editorial Page - Open Enrollment Unblocks Path to Choice.
6-6-12 City Journal - Students vs. Status Quo
5-21-12 EAG News - Focus on Reform - Organization sues to end legal protections for incompetent California teachers
5-8-12 City Journal - Escaping Failure
4-12-12 LA Daily News - Editorial Page - Public education system a Titanic problem
1-25-12 Townhall.com - Schools of Education
1-24-12 City Journal - Golden Missed Opportunity
1-20-12 LA Daily News - Editorial Page – School choice reforms are more vital than ever
1-19-12 City Journal - A 40-Year Shame
1-4-12 Clarion Call - No Wonder Johnny (Still) Can't Read

12-1-11 School Reform News - Non-Union Teacher Groups Grow as NEA Numbers Shrink
11-21-11 Real Clear Politics - Teacher Union's Missing Funds: A Pattern of Stonewalling?
11-14-11 City Journal - Disrupting Class
8-26-11- Wall Street Journal - Why the Labor Movement Moved Left
8-25-11 City Journal - Teachers’ Road Map to Nowhere
8-3-11 - San Jose Mercury News - Editorial Page - Commission to police teachers has failed utterly in its duty
7-20-11 – Huffington Post - California Budget Leaves Schools With Few Option
7-7-11 City Journal - Sizing Up Classrooms
6-20-11 City Journal - Grading the Teachers
5-23-11 – Huffington Post - Los Angeles Teachers Union Seeks To Halt New Evaluation Pilot
5-20-11 – Huffington Post - LA Mayor Pushes For Teacher Tenuring Rules
5-12-11 – La Opinión - Desbarajuste en agencia que acredita a maestros
5-12-11 – Huffington Post - Teacher Tenure Under Fire From Statehouses
5-10-11 City Journal - Debt the Teachers' Unions Cause Us
4-5-11 Jewish Journal - LAUSD schools accountable to new law
3-22-11 City Journal - One Small Strike Against Teacher Seniority
2-9-11 San Jose Mercury News - Editorial Page - California Education Reform May Be Facing a Brownout

10-21-10 San Diego Union-Tribune - Editorial Page - 'Superman' debate: Waiting for the teachers' unions
10-19-10 School Reform News - Rhode Island High School Turns Around the Turnaround Model
10-13-10 School Reform News - NYC Teachers Released from 'Rubber Rooms', Required to Work
8-22-10 Orange County Register - Editorial Page - It's time for larger classes, fewer teachers
7-8-10 San Jose Mercury News - Editorial Page - Teachers' unions political funding inappropriate
4-18-10 City Journal - The Beholden State
3-19-10 Newsweek - Debate: Are Teachers' Unions the Problem-or the Answer?
3-15-10 Education Matters - The War on Progress
3-8-10 Red County - The NEA and the AFT Do Not Represent All Teachers--Just Follow The Money
3-7-10 Los Angeles Times - Letter to the editor in response to "The Year of the Pink Slip"
3-3-10 FlashReport - Los Angeles Has a Lesson For Sacramento
2-23-10 Associated Press - Hundreds Protest LA Board Vote On School Choice
2-18-10 Appeal Democrat - YCUSD facing 'difficult choices' in budget cuts
2-17-10 Carolina Journal - Mystery Meat Could Be Reality in N.C. School Districts
2-1-10 Townhall magazine - in-depth article about CTEN Teaching the Union
2-1-10 Appeal Democrat - Laid-off teachers' pay dispute

11-20-09 City Journal - We're All Right-Wing Bastards Now
10-30-09 Los Angeles Daily News - Editorial Page Senority system in LAUSD keeps good teachers out
10-27-09 Big Government blog - Solidarity Schmolidarity – Teacher Larry Sand Exposes His Union
7-2-09 San Diego Union Tribune - Editorial Page No recession for teachers unions
3-26-09 Los Angeles Times - Editorial Page Why should teachers be a protected class?

11-20-08 Los Angeles Daily News - Editorial Page Union doesn't speak for all state's teachers
10-18-08 Los Angeles Times - Editorial Page Unions Shortchange Teachers
8-27-08 Edspresso - Editorial The Audacity of Reg
6-30-08 Edspresso - Editorial Are Teachers' Unions Anti-teacher?

Web Articles:

10-24-08 Natomas Teachers Association Blog

In an email to California Teachers Association chapter presidents, CTA President David Sanchez criticizes CTEN., and makes some inaccurate claims. In its November 2008 newsletter, CTEN responds to Mr. Sanchez.

Press Releases:

5-10-11 24 Year Veteran LAUSD Teacher With Alternate Plan that Challenges California Teachers Association's "State of Emergency" Demonstrations Planned This Week
3-18-11 Why Do Parents Pull The Trigger?
2-21-10 24 Year Veteran School Teacher Challenges UTLA'S Protests Scheduled For Tomorrow Against School Choice Plan
3-12-09 24 Year Veteran School Teacher Challenges CTA Layoff Protest
3-9-09 24 Year Veteran School Teacher Challenges UTLA's Layoff Protest and Civil Disobedience

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